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Manufacturing Execution System

Full Digital Shop Floor Control

Become more productive, increase efficiency, and lower costs

CIMAG-MES was designed for small to mid-sized manufacturers to have access to customized  manufacturing solutions. Reduce scrap and rework, up and down traceability, increase uptime, and overall lower costs help keep your operation competitive.

Explore the features and benefits

Reduce scrap and rework

  • Real Time Communication of QC Issues
  • Automatic Adjustment to QC Fields
  • Avoiding Errors Through Preventative Maintenance
IMCO manufacturing software Screenshot from CIMAG MES next to the text "State of the Art MES Solution"

Enhance traceability

  • Tracing down to Materials, Personnel, and Tools
  • Provides Up and Down Traceability
IMCO manufacturing software factory working scanning a barcode in the process of tracing the product

Increase uptime with Scheduling tools and real-time visibility

  • Minimize Idle Time
  • Reduce Setup and Disassembly Time
  • Improve Materials and Components Staging
  • Alerts of Conflicts: People, Machines, and Tools
  • Alerts to Machines not Producing
  • Alerts to Stopped Machines
  • Real Time Maintenance Communication
IMCO manufacturing software FactoryAI concept graphic that indicates OEE overall equipment effectiveness

Lower operating costs with improved operations liability and customer service

  • Realistic, Up-to-date Production schedule
  • Reducing Response Time to Issues
  • Reducing Working Capital Tied Up in Inventory
  • Real Time Visibility across the entire company
  • Improving OTIF (On Time in Full Delivery)
  • Providing Customers with Reliable Delivery Dates
IMCO manufacturing software graph measuring on-time delivery
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CIMAG-MES: Digital Manufacturing Execution System

State of the art Shop Floor Control System meeting all 14 ISO requirements.

Manufacturing Execution System for Small to Mid-Sized Companies

Created with Sketch.

Reduce Scrap and Rework

Created with Sketch.

Improve Up & Down Traceability

Created with Sketch.

Minimize Idle & Downtime

Created with Sketch.

Reduce Setup & Disassembly Time

Created with Sketch.

Reduce Response Time

Reduce Working Capital Tied Up in Inventory

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Have a challenge? We have the solution

Maximize uptime with absolute minimum materials.

Real-time upstream and downstream product and process traceability

Respond successfully to changing demand

Support any discrete manufacturing process on-the-fly

Use computer learning to avoid unplanned downtime and increase productivity.

Quality Management for all aspects of the operation.

Simplify, error-proof, and expedite operator experience

Latest insights for exceptional quality

Inbound material quality, in-process quality, outbound product quality, and corrective & preventive actions

Learn how IMCO Software can help you achieve perfect execution process

Request a consultation to see how we can help