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Manufacturing Long-Term Planning

Coordinate Demand and Capacity Planning to Improve Customer Service and Production

Implement and maintain an SIOP process successfully.

Equip your operation with the ability to combine multiple data points from various sources to create an unlimited number of planning scenarios for your business. 

Screenshots of IMCO manufacturing software Plan360 long term planning software platform

Explore Features and Benefits

Multiple Planning Horizons

Equip your operation with the ability to combine multiple data points from various sources to create an unlimited number of planning horizons and scenarios for your business. Forecasting abilities for Staff, Inventory, Equipment, Packaging, and Vendors.

screenshots of the Plan360 Long term planning software dashboard

Integrated Analysis

Coordinate demand and capacity planning to improve customer service and production with the capability to create multiple horizon scenario configurations. The application provides a Best Fit model among 20 predicted models.

screenshots of the Plan360 Long term planning software dashboard

ERP Compatibility

Fully integrates with your existing ERP system and provides the tools to implement and maintain a SIOP process successfully.

screenshots of the Plan360 Long term planning software dashboard
IMCO Software plan360 logo

Plan360: Long Term Planning

Sync demand, long-, mid-, and short-term planning to minimize manufacturing surprises.

Streamline Demand Planning Across All Variables

Created with Sketch.

Complete SIOP Management

Created with Sketch.

Multiple Planning Scenario Configurations

Created with Sketch.

"Best Fit" Demand Model Among 20 Predicted Models

Created with Sketch.

Forecast Staff, Inventory, Equipment, Packaging & Vendors

Created with Sketch.

Improve Lead Time

Reduce New Product Introduction Time

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Have a challenge? We have the solution

Maximize uptime with absolute minimum materials.

Real-time upstream and downstream product and process traceability

Respond successfully to changing demand

Support any discrete manufacturing process on-the-fly

Use computer learning to avoid unplanned downtime and increase productivity.

Quality Management for all aspects of the operation.

Simplify, error-proof, and expedite operator experience

Latest insights for exceptional quality

Inbound material quality, in-process quality, outbound product quality, and corrective & preventive actions

Learn how IMCO Software can help you achieve the perfect manufacturing process.

Request a consultation to see how we can help